08th November, 2013

Zombies Set to Invade the Gold Coast

After being driven out of Brisbane, the undead may be heading for the Gold Coast for next year’s Brisbane Zombie Walk, according to a recent article on goldcoast.com.au.

The 2014 Brisbane Zombie Walk has not been granted a permit by Brisbane City Council, due to security concerns about its proximity to where the G20 Summit will be held in Brisbane. So the organisers of the walk have been talking to Gold Coast Mayor, Tom Tate, about the possibility of holding the walk on the Gold Coast instead.

Over 15,000 people dress as zombies every year and shuffle through the streets to raise money for the Brain Foundation, which funds brain and spinal injury research. Tate believes it would bring a lot of money and tourists to the Gold Coast and thinks it would be a good thing for everyone.

The organisers have yet to commit to the idea and said they would need to consult with their zombie brethren. The signs seem good that in October next year, the streets of the Gold Coast could be echoing to the screams and moans of those with only one thing on their minds … fresh brains.